As much as I love color, I also like to use a more sophisticated gray scale palette in a room sometimes. Of course I managed to fit in a few turquoise/teal pieces, I couldn't help myself :) This room definitely has some masculine and feminine elements, and it reminds me of an apartment for a hip young couple with plenty of income and an eye for design :) I used one of the cubes in my white Ikea Expedit shelving unit to create this room, and I taped tracing paper to the back wall for a translucent lighting effect. It was a dark and cloudy day, so the picture didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped, but I got a few decent ones.

In this photo you can see my handmade sectional along with the Barcelona day bed and black shell chairs made by Reac. The acrylic risers are easy to find on ebay. I made the rug out of felt, and the lamp is also made by me. The flower pillow is a plastic button and the "laptop" is actually a pretend book from a children's toy set that I found at a thrift store. Coffee cup is Re-Ment, vase is DHE minis, and the books are made by me.
In this photo you can see the other lamp I made on a mirrored table/cube from DHE minis. The purse is from a children's toy grab bag I bought at a thrift store. The shoes are Re-Ment. The textured wallpaper is from Michael's.
The television, black cube shelving unit and white vase are all from DHE minis. The accessories are Re-Ment, handmade, toys, or beads. Fireplace is painted wood from a craft store. Side table is made from a gift box and a wooden drawer. Espresso maker is Re-Ment.
This photo is my favorite. I love my lucky finds in my plastic toy grab bag from the Goodwill store. The "laptop" and "pillow" are very convincing. And the lamp I made looks pretty good in this photo, and the blue color of the lamp base looks most true-to-life :)