Saturday, April 7, 2012

margaret_loves springtime!

...and Easter, and chocolate eggs, and bunny rabbits!
Happy Easter, everyone!


  1. Happy Easter to you!
    What is the flooring you are using in this scene? Nice mixture of rustic and modern

  2. Scrapbook paper, the boards are a bit too wide for 1:12, but I like the look and I use it a lot.

    1. That's paper?? Blimey, that looks really cool.
      *high five*

  3. You always are spot on with color schemes... seriously, your eye for color always leaves me wishing I could do rooms in my house with the themes you choose!!!

  4. Seriously? I'm shocked the floors are scrap book paper. I never would have guessed. I love the wallpaper, your couch looks fantastic against out and I love the color choices you use.

  5. Thanks! I didn't really think about the color scheme, except for Spring! I am glad it worked.

  6. I love the flooring! I'm ready for our swap. I tried e-mailing, but I haven't heard back. Maybe I have the wrong e-mail?

  7. So sorry, I have been overworked and over-stressed lately. Things should ease up soon, and I will have yours ready in a few more weeks. So sorry :(

    1. I totally understand. Not to worry! Just send me your address and I will go ahead and send yours. Take a deep breath!

  8. So I glad I found your blog recently. I notice from your previous post that you love aqua. Well then, you might like my latest giveaway, #7! I'm celebrating 1 year of blogging with 8 giveaways. Giveaway #7 is some modern-style minis (with a lot of aqua!). You must join each of the 8 giveaways separately. Welcome! :-) Jennifer

  9. I'm happy to find your blog today. Your work is amazing. I love modern houses.
    Hugs from Craftland

  10. I'm loving the floors! Scrapbook paper is awesome, ey? ha ha!
    I think the wide plank works really nice. Who makes this paper? BTW, love the grays, chocolates and pastels here.

  11. Hoy es la primera vez que visito tu blog, y te felicito por el estilo y gusto que tienes para la decoración, eres muy creativa. Me ha encantado. Me he hecho seguidora de tu blog. Un abrazo

  12. Hey Margaret *waves*
    Just popping in to say I miss your posts. Hope you are well and happy =0)
